Moon Void of Course 101


The moon guides our emotional needs. When it is Void of Course, sit back and reflect.
The Moon guides our emotional needs. When it is Void of Course, sit back and reflect.

(Calendars Provided below: November-December, 2013. Or SUBSCRIBE to the iCal calendar which will be updated monthly.)

The Moon Void of Course is a time of drifting and dreaming and quiet contemplation… The Moon (the seat of our emotional needs) has completed its aspect “to-do” list, and will “hang out in the Void” in its current emotional phase, waiting to change signs. When the sign change comes, the new energy will be fresh and entirely different.

These phases can last between several minutes to over 24 hours in some cases, and they occur every couple of days. (See calendars below. The calendars also indicate the sign they are shifting to and will give you an idea of what the new energy is bringing. See the Lunar Needs article for more.)

[pullquote]Gotta do it now? Be prepared to stay on top of it to guide the outcome. [/pullquote]The key to working with this shifting energy is to know that things begun under a Void of Course Moon tend to fizzle out rather quickly. So, during these phases it’s best to do things that are self-reflective rather than promotive:

  • edit your writing, don’t send it to the publisher;
  • develop the product, don’t present it to the client;
  • work on your resume, don’t go on the interview;
  • talk on the phone, don’t go on the first date…
  • consider what needs to be changed, don’t change it until the Moon changes signs.

Unless you’d rather it didn’t come to anything… (In which case Moon VOC is a great time to do things! Like sending in your taxes to avoid an audit, for example!) If you have to schedule things during these phases, be prepared to really stay on top of them to guide the outcome.

Ideally… we’d all sit and meditate under a tree during a VOC, but whose schedule allows for that? Fact is, we have to roll with what’s true in each moment, make a choice on how we will respond to what’s there, and take advantage, when we can, of these breaks when they show up.

See the Moon VOC calendar to which you can SUBSCRIBE if you use iCal here or see the images below for end of May through August 2013.
(Note, the Pink areas indicate when the Moon is VOC, so schedule things for outside of those times when possible.)

See Resources for more of the Astrological Primer Series.

Always infinite possibilities… always your choice.











Image credit: welcomia / 123RF Stock Photo

Image credit: welcomia / 123RF Stock Photo

5 responses to “Moon Void of Course 101”

  1. Zara Avatar

    Thank you for explaining VOC. I further searched “What to do during Void of Course” and ran into this interesting article. I thought it was interesting how president Reagan scheduled “bad news” or “make no waves news” with VOC. And avoided giving good news during those periods. I also like the article’s list of things to do and not do which coincides with what your article states.

    1. Christine Avatar

      Thanks Zarita! The Mountain Astrologer is always a great source for excellent astrological info. Many leaders of state utilize astrology, though few citizens know about it. It always amuses me to think about Reagan working with astrologers. He seemed such a stuffy guy, but clearly his mind was open enough to realize that there is more “going on” in the universe than meets the eye!
      Thanks again for commenting! πŸ™‚

  2. Rabbi Jill Zimmerman Avatar
    Rabbi Jill Zimmerman

    Are the times listed pacific standard or eastern standard? I put it in my iCal and am not sure if they are correct for my time zone (pst). Thanks

    1. TrinityAvatar Avatar

      Hello Rabbi Zimmerman, thanks for stopping by! Good question! Luckily, I am also a Mac Tech! πŸ™‚ I entered the dates in EST however, iCal has a feature that allows for Time Zone translation. Go into your iCal on your Mac, under the Calendar menu, select Preferences > Advanced and check the box Turn on time zone support. As long as your time zone is set correctly for you computer in System Preferences > Date & Time, the times should appear corrected for your time zone. (For iPad Users: go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Time Zone Support, switch it to “On”, select your correct time zone and you should be good to go!) Enjoy in good health everybody! πŸ™‚

  3. TrinityAvatar Avatar

    Ok, so there seems to be some confusion about this VOC post… What I was hoping to communicate was that, during a VOC Moon, you can WORK on your projects but its best to SUBMIT them, AFTER the Moon changes signs (see above calendars). Contemplate your work, ideas, projects… work on your projects… But don’t “ship” , “launch”, “broadcast”, “announce” until the moon changes signs… Projects “sent into the void” during a VOC may, or may not, be “received”. Does that clear it up a bit?

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