Category: Personal Growth

  • Stepping Into the Light – Working with Your Sun Sign

    Stepping Into the Light – Working with Your Sun Sign

    Give light, and the darkness will disappear of itself.”— Desiderius Erasmus Working from my home office requires a great deal of self-motivation. There are times when I find myself slipping into a lonely space and I lose focus; or worse my Saboteur (you know that nasty inner voice that whispers…

  • Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius

    Lunar Eclipse on May 25th in Sagittarius (affecting Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces most strongly). The effects of an eclipse can be felt up to 6 weeks on either side. With the Sun in Gemini, the sign of the student, and the Moon in Sagittarius, the sign of the teacher, this…

  • WTF is going on? (Yup, Uranus Pluto…)

    [buzzsprout episode=”94090″ player=”true”] #3 in a Series There’s a buzzing going on… What’s happening with this country? With the poor? The 2 Percenters? With the economy? With the bi-partisan government? With the climate, superstorms, tornadoes? With the corporations? With the IRS? With the crazy bombings and shootings… “WTF is going…

  • The 12th Circle of Hell… Uranus Square Pluto

    #2 in a Series (I know, I’m being “dramatic” (what do you want with a Leo rising and an Aries moon anyway? 😉 ) The Uranus / Pluto square will be the strongest from roughly May 15-June 8 at 12 degrees… WTF does that mean, right? [pullquote]This square can provide…

  • got meditation?

    A Guided Journey to Meet Your Inner Observer. Why meditate? What’s the point? I felt that way for a long time myself… “waste of time” I thought. Was I wrong! What I discovered was that meditation gives you greater control over your thoughts… and that may be the most important…

  • New Moon in Taurus with Solar Eclipse

    (OK, so while this hit most precisely 5/9/13 at 8:30 pm, it is still in effect today and may be felt for the next 6 months…) Solar Eclipse / New Moon in Taurus (with Mars and Mercury), while the Moon is simultaneously Void of Course. Wow, that’s quite a bit…

  • “Need” is a four-letter word: Supporting Your Moon Sign

    “Need” is a four-letter word: Supporting Your Moon Sign

    Play Podcast Check out the VideoCast below! When I was a kid my Dad would play this game with me. He would hold one hand out in front and make as if he was going to tickle me. Then, with the other hand, he’d move in for the kill and…

  • Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio & Your Sun Sign

    To ancient peoples the Moon represented a mysterious friend in the darkness: shining brightly some nights while other nights it went missing altogether. Eclipses must have been terrifying experiences for our ancestors… “Would the Moon (or Sun) ever come back? Were the Gods angry at us?” Followed by sighs of…

  • Uranus & Pluto Rock Your World

    #1 in a Series Uranus square Pluto: 2011-2015 Concentrated times: June 2012, September 2012, May 2013, Nov 2013, April 2014, Dec 2014, and March 2015 Lately, the refrain out there has been “What’s going on? Everything is so intense!” Indeed… We are in the midst of a Uranus/Pluto Square! So…

  • Why do we lie?

    Check out my first ever videocast below! Who are we lying to when we lie? OK, so that’s a rhetorical question. Of course the answer is “to ourselves”… Right? If you’re not sure about that, then you may want to read this. [pullquote]The path to self-knowledge starts with having the…