Category: Growth

  • How Your Thoughts Create Your Life

    How Your Thoughts Create Your Life

    We are on the brink of significant change on this planet and every light beacon (that means You) is needed to to lighten the imposed darkness, and shift the global energy towards a community of intentional and conscious creation. I’ve been listening to a lot of Abraham-Hicks lately, who’s focus…

  • Is DISCIPLINE a Bad Word?

    Is DISCIPLINE a Bad Word?

    I was raised by hippies. Maybe not in the way you’d usually think of hippies. In my house everyone was a rebel. I was encouraged to express myself and even called my parents by their first names. No-one wanted to do anything on a schedule or with any discernable regularity.…

  • The Calm in the Pause: Scheduling Life Balance

    The Calm in the Pause: Scheduling Life Balance

    Post originally published: 11/20/13 The days are getting shorter, the shadows longer… chilly mornings are groggier as we try to comprehend waking up in the dark. Ancient ancestors whisper in our ears “it’s time to S-L-O-W-D-O-W-N”. In preparation for the cold freeze, we rush around, instinctively hoarding the equivalent of…

  • Wearing Blinders? Redefining “Success” during Mercury Retrograde

    Wearing Blinders? Redefining “Success” during Mercury Retrograde

    Play the podcast of this article below During this Mercury Retrograde, I’ve been taking my own advice and have been revisiting the quality of my life. What’s surfaced has been interesting and frankly unexpected. Referring to my last article, I began to explore my “Home or Personal Life” (see Leo)…

  • Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio: From the Darkness into the Light

    Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio: From the Darkness into the Light

    #3 in a Series of 3 (While this was originally published in 2013 when Mercury was retrograde from Monday, 10/21 through Sunday, 11/10, any time Mercury is Retrograde in Scorpio, the following post will apply.) Mercury gets a bad rap. Every 4 months or so, Mercury turns retrograde (meaning it…

  • Your Ticket Out of “Crappy-Land” – Get Through a Bad Day

    Your Ticket Out of “Crappy-Land” – Get Through a Bad Day

    “What we resist, persists.” — Carl Jung Circumstances, real or imagined, can send us on a downward spiral. We can fight it, trying all the usual aphorisms: “look at the bright side”… “remember all the good” in an effort to play “keep away”, but sometimes we can’t seem to avoid…

  • Everybody Like You? The Libra Challenge

    Everybody Like You? The Libra Challenge

    If you’ve got some Libra somewhere in your chart, you probably want everybody to like you. I hate to break the news to you, but it ain’t gonna happen. It all started with Aries… As the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries says “I am” and proceeds to discover just…

  • The Success Zone

    The Success Zone

    “Success” is a mysterious land for many of us. For some it’s like Shangri-La; a mystical place where everything is beautiful and always just out of reach. For others, “Success” is a “Twilight Zone”, even more frightening than failure, because it is pregnant with possibilities and potentially dashed expectations. In…

  • Saying “Yes” when you mean “No”? Reclaim Your Sun

    Saying “Yes” when you mean “No”? Reclaim Your Sun

    Why do we say “yes” when we mean “no”? When we say that what someone wants is more important than what we want; we give them our power. (Note for Parents: Our children are very important and… they learn self-valuing by watching us. Striking a balance here is vital which…

  • Quit “Shoulding” on Yourself? Reclaim Your “Why”

    Quit “Shoulding” on Yourself? Reclaim Your “Why”

    Shoulding all over yourself? (Wish I could claim that one, but an excellent friend coined it, or borrowed it…) Are you doing what you “should” do?You ever get stuck in your day ‘cuz you’re “shoulding” all over yourself? You know what I mean, “I should do that…” no wait, “I…