Birthing Your Independence: Mercury Retro in Cancer

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Taking ownership for our own happiness now
allows us to create meaningful lives
today.”? Christine Faucher-Kelley

Man's hands heart flag
On our country’s upcoming “birthday”, we continue to ride out this emotional Mercury Retrograde in Cancer (6/26/13-7/19/13). As I mentioned in my last post, in addition to the usual Mercury Retrograde cautions to be mindful, this cycle is about nurturing, mothering & home. This is no coincidence, as independence & motherhood are inextricably entwined. (Kinda funny when you consider that the U.S. has the Sun & Mercury in Cancer with the Moon in freedom-loving Aquarius! (Yes, countries have birth charts too!))

What does “independence” mean to you?

Independence and mothering go hand in hand. Without “dependence”, in-dependence has no meaning. Establishing our independence, and defining ourselves as separate from Mother (or England), is part of growing up. No longer “dependent” upon her for everything, we get to stand separate and apart, learning what it means to be “ourselves”, and claiming our right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

As a country we are constantly pulled in one direction or another: do we liberally “nurture” our people, or are we the strict disciplinarians who demand we stand on our own?

[pullquote]Remember: contemplate at this time, and then take purposeful action when Mercury goes direct again on 7/19/13. [/pullquote]Nurturing, happiness & independence is a “collectively” sensitive area. Many of us struggle to define not only what it means to be “happy”, but (on a very deep, and often unconscious level) whether we “deserve” to be happy at all. How is our happiness dependent upon the actions of others?

This Mercury Retrograde in Cancer is a time to gain some clarity on these things…

I keep hearing your stories about how nurturing and home is showing up in your lives. About:

  • home appliance breakdowns
  • how best to mother your adult children
  • the circle of life: mothering your own mother
  • pregnancies, celebrated and mourned
  • how being “vulnerable” in your relationships brings you closer
  • what happens when Mommy falls and gets “boo-boos” and how the little ones care for her
  • not to mention the Supreme Court finally declaring that we get to choose what “family” is and with whom we will share our homes & lives!

From a place of gratitude, as you munch your burgers (veggie or beef), while the giggling kids play with their water guns, I want you to check in with all that you have in your personal life that feeds your spirit: friends, family, “stuff”, your home, health, body, joy, learning, growth, peace… You know, what you’ve really got.

[pullquote]It’s always us that unlocks the door of our self-imposed prisons.[/pullquote]
In the days that follow, consider how your current life view is sustaining you:
Are you the “good mother” to yourself: nurturing your spirit and your own dreams?
Or have you been your own “Mommy Dearest”, keeping yourself small; your light locked away in a prison of your own devising?

This is the time to look deeper to see how you can bring more loving support into your life. (If you haven’t looked at the “Who’s Your Mama?” post, go check out what area by Sun Sign you are being asked to revisit in your life.)

Like a good mother would ask: What do you need to do to live the most satisfying expression of “You”?

Rather than wait for someone else to show up and make it all better, taking ownership for our own happiness now allows us to create meaningful lives today. The fact is no one else can “free us”; it’s always us that unlocks the door of our self-imposed prisons.

You’ve always had the key.

Always infinite possibilities… always your choice.

Image credit: nito500 / 123RF Stock Photo
Song Credit (in Podcast): “America” ©1981 by Neil Diamond

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