Gratitude in the Void – Moon Void of Course in Taurus

The Moon Perspective... Gratitude for All that We Have
The Moon Perspective… Gratitude for All that We Have

The Moon will be Void of Course (or VOC) in Taurus from Wednesday, June 5, 2013 at 9:24 am EDT to Thursday, June 6, 2013 at 11:31 pm EDT when it will shift to Gemini. All the usual Moon Void of Course mindfulness applies…

The Law of Attraction states that what we focus upon we get. If you’re not getting what you’re wanting from the world, it’s time to consider what you’re actually focusing upon. As I’ve said previously; fear of scarcity brings more scarcity.

[pullquote]With the Moon in Taurus, I’m suggesting a collective Gratitude Practice.[/pullquote]When the Moon is in Taurus, our thoughts will naturally go towards what we have, or what we feel we lack. Taurus, the sign of the Bull, is a sign that enjoys its “stuff”: delicious food, fine wine, passionate sex, sensual fabrics, beautiful art, good friends, nature in all its glory. Additionally, the Moon in Taurus “need” is to feel secure, stable and financially sound.

There’s a universal tendency to for us to look at what’s missing or lacking in our lives, but rarely do we actively appreciate all that we have. During this upcoming Moon Void of Course in Taurus, I’m suggesting that we collectively perform a “Gratitude Practice”. Because we tend to drift and dream during a VOC let’s utilize this energy as a way to envision more of what we want in our lives by focusing on all that we have.

My Gratitude Practice in Moving Meditation

On the mornings that I run, I do a gratitude practice: a kind of moving meditation. As I run, I look for things that I am grateful for and I mentally put a “Thank you” into the universe for this “thing”. I do my best to feel deeply grateful as I say this. I might say “Thank you for my sneakers, thank you for my feet, thank you for my ankles… thank you for the flowers, thank you for the dogs, thank you for the river… thank you for my husband, thank you for my parents, thank you for my friends… thank you for the Love, thank you for the Joy, thank you for the Compassion…” [pullquote]I am grateful for my ability to learn.[/pullquote]

I’ve gotten a lot of “looks” when I tell people about this practice. I suspect I seem naive. But am I? Sure there’s plenty to worry about in the world… frankly, I think we’ve got the “worrying” down. What I’d like to see more of is joy, compassion and gratitude. Aren’t there really many, many things, people, possessions, situations, that you are grateful for? Sometimes I will even “thank” for the challenges, because without them, the joys wouldn’t have any meaning. Without the learning, I’d really just be a zombie, right? So… “thank you for the learning, thank you for the growing, thank you for the awareness…”

A day without learning is a day without meaning.

Every day we are learning. Some days we learn new things, and some days we learn that same old thing… again. So while I’m not always “happy” about my life’s lessons, I am grateful for my ability to learn, both from my challenges as well as my blessings.

By the end of my run, I’m usually feeling pretty good about life. I can then move into my day and create with intention, knowing that my life is indeed full, deep and rich.

Do you have a “Gratitude Practice”? Please share it with us in the comment section below… Thank you! 🙂

Always infinite possibilities… always your choice.

2 responses to “Gratitude in the Void – Moon Void of Course in Taurus”

  1. Lisa Avatar

    Great post. Today, in the midst of grieving the passing of my sister, I will focus on all thAt
    I am grateful for: love, connection, the Capacity to feel, to experience my life, my friends, my willingness when I can to be open to all of the experiences that are available to me, to name just a few. Leaning in to what is availabe to me in every moment.

    1. TrinityAvatar Avatar

      My Dear Lisa… Sending you lots of love, hugs, and my deepest condolences for the passing of your Sister. Big Love and Compassion for your Courageous Heart. So happy that there is so Much in your life to be grateful for as I am grateful for having you here with us. Lean in, Dear Lisa… <3

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