- make powerful contributions to the world.
- break out of mediocrity and do “important” things
- stop being a cog, and become a “Linchpin”
- “create something “dangerous”” to the status quo
- play a Bigger Game by daring yourself to go after your vision
I could not agree more! Thought-leaders… we stand united!
And… Why are so few racing towards the “finish line” while so many of us remain “on our marks”?
As the Lion from The Wizard of Oz said, “Whatta they got that I ain’t got?” “Courage!”
And that, my dear friends is part of the problem. We the waiting, believe that we’ve got to have “courage” to start to run, and that the proof of having courage is feeling courageous.
Being courageous feels T-E-R-R-I-F-Y-I-N-G.
If you’re waiting to feel courageous, you’re going to be waiting for a very… long… time.
So, knowing that, do you want to take your first strides away from the starting line? Here are some things to know to get started:
- Answer this question: Who are you? In order to have an impact on the world, you need to know what you offer, and what you bring. And in order to do that you’ve got to start to get to know your Self. (If you can’t answer this question, it may be a lack of self-knowledge that holds you “on your marks”. Watch for my upcoming book for more.)
- What do you want? If it doesn’t scare the “twaddle” out of you to say it out loud, it’s probably not important enough to you. Have the guts to say what you want even if just to yourself, for starters… You will have to tell others eventually, so practice in the mirror.
- As you get started you will likely continue to feel terrified every day. Fear is just a feeling; it is highly improbable that it is going to kill you. What you do (or not) with that fear is where you can get into trouble.
- The bigger the moves you make the more terrified you are going to feel.
- It will get easier. As you become better at what you’re doing, you will start to feel less terrified. (Until you decide to do the next “big thing”.)
- 85% of your fears are in your head. 10% are things that you can improve upon to support you, and the remaining 5% are people or circumstances that just don’t get you… that’s to be expected. (These figures may vary, but the point is that the vast majority of your fears are all made up).
- See the finish line in your mind’s eye every day. Visualize it at breakfast, lunch, dinner and before you go to bed. (If you can get an actual picture of your goal, all the better. Either way, you’ve got to “see it”.)
- Look around you. You are not alone. Anyone who has ever accomplished something of importance did so by going through their fears and overcoming them… and then overcoming them again.
Always infinite possibilities… always your choice.
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