Tag: compassion

  • Stress Relief; It’s All In Your Head

    [buzzsprout episode=”42046″ player=”true”] This is Part One in a Two-Part Series… “Stress relief” is a “hot topic” these days, and it seems as though our modern lives are becoming increasingly stressful all the time. We’ve got financial worries, information overload, job layoffs, mortgage issues, wars… the list could go on.…

  • Love is a Verb

    http://www.buzzsprout.com/3089/41299-love-is-a-verb.js?player=small Many people have mixed feelings about Valentine’s Day, so here’s an empowering thought to celebrate. A couple years ago I read in Stephen Covey’s book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, where a man complained to Mr. Covey that he didn’t feel the way he used to about…

  • “If not us, who? If not now, when?”

    “If not us, who? If not now, when?” – John F. Kennedy This is a blog entry about “Yes, AND.” Yes, there are some tough things going on out there… AND we can all get involved and make a difference. As many of you have heard, there are some unsettling…

  • It Starts With You

    [buzzsprout episode=”21408″ player=”true”] I’ve heard rumblings… rumblings for quite some time now about “where we’re headed as a civilization.” Books have been written… 2012… geological disruptions… atmospheric changes… wars… Global warming… unrest in Egypt, Korea, Jordan… etc. Collectively, many are getting “nervous”. AND as a species, we do this kind…

  • The Dream of the Siren’s Song

    Charmed out of life we see, No life on earth can be Hid from our dreaming… – The Siren’s Song1 [buzzsprout episode=”23826″ player=”true”] Dreaming… dreams… so many connotations. There are the “big dreams” we have for our lives, and the dreams we have when we sleep… but there is another…

  • The Dream of the Siren’s Song

    The Dream of the Siren’s Song

    Charmed out of life we see, No life on earth can be Hid from our dreaming… – The Siren’s Song1 [buzzsprout episode=”23826″ player=”true”] Dreaming… dreams… so many connotations. There are the “big dreams” we have for our lives, and the dreams we have when we sleep… but there is another…