Come Home to Your Luminance

Ashokan Reservoir Photo by: Christine Faucher-Kelley

You are a beacon of light to guide your tribe through the darkness. You know how I know that? Because you are here, on my website reading this right now.
You are here to bring your unique light to the world around you. When you are feeling depressed, lost, overwhelmed, sad, frustrated, or angry your light goes dim. Depending on how long you’ve been feeling this way, and sometimes it can go on for years, your unique light is not beaming through your world, but rather it is glowing softly in a corner of your heart, awaiting your return. 

We need you. We need you now more than we have ever needed you before.

We are presently living in some painful times, where the darkness feels like it wants to encroach on every corner of the planet… and yet, it cannot. It cannot because we, the light beacons, are here. Even in our diminished ways, when we are feeling so bogged down by all the anger and discord the media assures us is taking over, we bring enough light to fend off the encroaching shadows.

A preponderance of us on this planet at this time are still younger souls*. On a planetary level, we are embroiled in what feels to be an endless state of strife and struggle. It is time for us to re-imagine the world as we know in our hearts that it IS: a place of love, light, kindness and *immeasurable* beauty. We are a planet filled with spectacular diversity where it is our soul’s mission to learn from one another, immerse ourselves in our differences, and share in the wonder.

I am here to help you re-discover and reconnect your own amazing, brilliant, wildly unique, and beautiful Luminance.

If your light feels like it’s waning, I have been where you are… more times than I can count. And yet, somehow through all the darkness, I am able to return to my own Luminance so that I can be here to help you remember and reclaim your own.

There are many ways I can help you reclaim your inner light, and it starts by recognizing how it may feel absent from your Spirit. I assure you, this inner flame can never go out altogether, but it can get quit dim and be difficult to feel, let alone see. But it is in there. I know, because you are here.

It is time to re-imagine the world as we know in our hearts that it IS: a place of love, light, kindness and immeasurable beauty.

Feel free to take a spin through my website and blog. Over the years, since I was last posting on this site, much has changed and I have been adding to the collection of ways in which I can bring my own light to you. You can certainly read through the blog and pages, and see if any of this wisdom resonates for you. Additionally, I am birthing a book that I will share, when the time is right.

I am presently immersed in learning Human Design to add alongside my approach to Astrology, so if you feel inspired to work with me in that way, ~please contact me here~.

Always infinite possibilities… always your choice.

In Love, Light… and Luminance,

Christine Faucher-Kelley, cpcc, acc?Luminance Empowerment Guide

*Soul age is no more a hierarchy than are children, or teenagers in any way inferior to their parents or grandparents. Soul age is merely a measure of “time” and “experience”, and of course, “time” is relative.