Category: Self-Care

  • Moon Void of Course, Taurus to Gemini

    Moon Void of Course, Taurus to Gemini

    Well Folks, while Mercury is back on track today, it’s still dicey out there when it comes to the timing of major decisions or serious changes… The Moon will be “Void of Course” for some big chunks this week, starting tonight (11/26) from 7:57 pm through tomorrow (11/27) until 7:58…

  • Overwhelm & Procrastination: Break free of the Pattern!

    Overwhelm & Procrastination: Break free of the Pattern!

    Before you can break free of Overwhelm & Procrastination you’ve got to recognize that there is a pattern… The Podcast and Post below were originally recorded and posted on April 18, 2012. My more recent posts have looked at Overwhelm, Procrastination, Perfectionism and Survival Mode… what have they got in…

  • Healing Your Relationship With Yourself

    [buzzsprout episode=”43156″ player=”true”] Perhaps it’s not a coincidence that my top two most popular pod casts were released three days apart: “Procrastination” and “If you can’t trust yourself, who can you trust?” I believe that both concepts reflect a society-wide betrayal of “self”. You would think that we would honor…

  • Why “Surviving” is Killing You

    Why “Surviving” is Killing You

    [buzzsprout episode=”40177″ player=”true”] Published: January 30, 2012 “Huh?” Yup, that’s right. “Killing time” is killing you. You, with the baffled expression on your face staring into the computer screen, you are here for a reason… Whether you believe in a “higher power” or not, there is something you are uniquely…

  • Walking the Walk

    I can talk the talk, but can I walk the walk? Just this week I had an opportunity to find out. Early Morning, January 2, 2012… “Wham!” The flu… Fever of 102°, chills, headache, congestion, the whole shebang. Welcome to the New Year… Sheesh! But the plot thickens… I was…

  • Overwhelm: Riding the Wave

    (Jump to the bottom of the page for the podcast) What is it to be “Overwhelmed”? The easy answer is: too much to do in too little time. If that was the entire definition, reducing our to-do lists should resolve the problem. Somehow, that never happens. A deeper look might…



    [buzzsprout episode=”27143″ player=”true”] “What you resist persists.”—Carl Jung Would it surprise you if I said that I have been procrastinating about writing this entry? Coaches fall into the procrastination trap too! Here’s a little secret: we didn’t become Life Coaches because we’re naturally brilliant at Life. Largely we became coaches…

  • Under the Weather or Taking Care of You…

            I’ve been a bit “under the weather” for the past couple of days and I’ve held off from writing. Then it dawned on me; there is no part of our daily living that couldn’t use a little reflection. “Health” was really the “presenting symptom” of this week’s thoughts… …

  • Carpe Diem!

    Carpe Diem!

    We are always getting ready to live but never living.   ~Ralph Waldo Emerson             We’re all familiar with the concept of “seize the day”, or as they said in Latin, …

  • Breathe In Your Life

    Breathe In Your Life

    (Essay #3 in a Series) How might the following be a metaphor for your Daily Life?         You take a sip of your ginger ale and lean against the headrest. Behind you a 5-year-old starts kicking your seat and the parents are arguing with one another. You look at them…