Category: Growth

  • Your Hero’s Journey – Take the Next Step with Your Sun Sign

    Your Hero’s Journey – Take the Next Step with Your Sun Sign

    It’s ironic, really… while many of us read about our “Sun Signs” in the daily Horoscope, we don’t know what to do with this information. According to Liz Greene* (awesome, famous astrologer) in her book The Luminaries, our Sun Sign actually serves as our personal hero’s “call to adventure”. Ms.…

  • Creating the “Just Right” Life Balance…

    Did Goldilocks Know Something We Don’t? When I was 6, I captivated an audience with my heartfelt performance as Goldilocks in my Grammar School’s production of “Goldilocks & The Three Bears”. It was the high point of my acting career… OK, not really, but it did set the stage for…

  • Courage ? Fearless – Mars, Uranus, Pluto T-Square

    Courage ? Fearless – Mars, Uranus, Pluto T-Square

    There is no Courage without Fear. When I turned 40 I got my driver’s license. It took me three tries to pass the road test. Terrible driver? Not really… terriFIED. Then I went out and bought a Mini Cooper S, yeah the turbo… stick shift. Why am I telling you…

  • Till Next Time Mercury Retro…

    So… how’s this Mercury Retrograde been treating ya? Wacky, right? One thing Mercury the teacher likes to do during a retrograde cycle in water is re-introduce you to your former self by bringing back people who shine a light on that old way of being. Mercury was so kind as…

  • From “Me” to “We” – Growing Compassion

    If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” — The Dalai Lama People look at me funny… always have. Maybe it’s Pluto conjunct Uranus in my first… perhaps it’s just because you never know what I’m going to say. Heck, I…

  • Birthing Your Independence: Mercury Retro in Cancer

    Birthing Your Independence: Mercury Retro in Cancer

    Play Podcast Taking ownership for our own happiness now allows us to create meaningful lives today.”? Christine Faucher-Kelley On our country’s upcoming “birthday”, we continue to ride out this emotional Mercury Retrograde in Cancer (6/26/13-7/19/13). As I mentioned in my last post, in addition to the usual Mercury Retrograde cautions…

  • Mercury Retrograde in Cancer: Who’s Your Mama?

    #2 in a Series of 3 “Mercury governs our thoughts and perceptions and these can limit us; but Mercury also gives us the ability to have new thoughts… which free… us.”1 This will be the 2nd of three Mercury Retrograde periods in water this year. Mercury will be Retrograde from…

  • Gratitude in the Void – Moon Void of Course in Taurus

    Gratitude in the Void – Moon Void of Course in Taurus

    The Moon will be Void of Course (or VOC) in Taurus from Wednesday, June 5, 2013 at 9:24 am EDT to Thursday, June 6, 2013 at 11:31 pm EDT when it will shift to Gemini. All the usual Moon Void of Course mindfulness applies… The Law of Attraction states that…

  • Stepping Into the Light – Working with Your Sun Sign

    Stepping Into the Light – Working with Your Sun Sign

    Give light, and the darkness will disappear of itself.”— Desiderius Erasmus Working from my home office requires a great deal of self-motivation. There are times when I find myself slipping into a lonely space and I lose focus; or worse my Saboteur (you know that nasty inner voice that whispers…

  • Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius

    Lunar Eclipse on May 25th in Sagittarius (affecting Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces most strongly). The effects of an eclipse can be felt up to 6 weeks on either side. With the Sun in Gemini, the sign of the student, and the Moon in Sagittarius, the sign of the teacher, this…