Breathe In Your Life
(Essay #3 in a Series) How might the following be a metaphor for your Daily Life? You take a sip of your ginger ale and lean against the headrest. Behind you a 5-year-old starts kicking your seat and the parents are arguing with one another. You look at them…
So, What’s Your Story?
What do I mean by that, eh? Your Story is what you tell yourself, and the world, about why you can’t get where you want to be in life. I sound harsh, don’t I? But let me reassure you, it is because of the deep respect I feel for all…
Send your Saboteur packing
“My What?” you ask. Your Saboteur… you know, that voice in your head that tells you that “you can’t do that”, or that “you don’t have enough time”, or that “you don’t deserve it,” or that, “you’re too old”, or that “you’re not good enough”? This may surprise some of…