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You all know my tagline by now, “always infinite possibilities… always your choice.” But what is it to choose?
An attorney friend of mine made a very interesting point.
“Sure,” he said, “on face value, we get to choose how we are going to live our lives. And,” he paused, “the 11-year-old kid from the ghetto, with a gun to his head who is told, “you don’t deal drugs for us, we can take you out right here” may argue that point.”
The kid chose to live.
Does that have to be the end of his story? Without a doubt that kid is going to have to take a HUGE leap of faith to leave that life. Few in his situation recognize that there is any choice at all… And some do get out.
Every morning that we wake up and go about our lives is a day we have chosen to stay on this planet. This kind of statement tends to raise eyebrows, and I’m deadly serious (if you’ll excuse the pun). This is an empowering statement. As sentient beings, aware of our own mortality, we get to choose in every moment to be here. Sadly, there are those amongst us who choose to leave us before their time. No one ever talks about this choice, I suspect because it is such an impossible concept to the majority of us, and it is a choice that blessedly few feel they have to make.
What am I on about today? I’m about Step Two.
Step One: Stay here. Decision made. Awesome! Excellent choice!
Step Two: What’s next? (Here I go again, about to be slapped.) Now that you’ve chosen to be here, what are you doing? Who are you being? Are you going to plod along barely involved in your life, or are you going to take the reins and direct it to where you want to go?
A strange kind of thing happens when we’re not choosing something, doesn’t it? That “un-chosen” thing becomes almost like an itch somewhere inside our head. We haven’t chosen not to, and we haven’t committed to it either, so it sticks with us on and off all day, possibly day after day, until we come to a decision. After a while, we may just forget about it, and leave it to gather with the other unmade choices like so many dust bunnies in our minds. If we go on like this long enough, we may find that our lives become a collection of so many mental dust bunnies with little to show for it that has meaning to us.
So, how can we begin to turn this around? Start by recognizing where you are not committing to a choice in your life. Where are you dancing as fast as you can without stopping to look at what’s in front of you?
Are you not allowing yourself to know what you want because you are afraid of the repercussions of making a choice?
Knowing what you want is not the same as making a change.
Where have you forgotten that you get to choose? Once you know what you want, you may decide that your present circumstance is where you choose to stay for now; until you choose something else… or not. Staying in “un-choice” is like making a choice but pretending to yourself that you haven’t.
Where in your life have you forgotten that you get to take a stand?
And now for your viewing pleasure…
Always infinite possibilities… always your choice.
(Commence with the slapping below… )
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